Your app. Your framework. Your platform. All welcome.

What is Azure?

Microsoft Azure is a growing collection of integrated cloud services—analytics, computing, database, mobile, networking, storage, and web—for moving faster, achieving more, and saving money.

With Microsoft as your ally, you can take advantage of the cloud more quickly while reducing security and compliance costs and minimizing risk to your organization. Microsoft makes data protection a priority. Technology safeguards such as encryption and operational processes about data destruction keep your data yours only.

Cloud compliance is easier with Azure!

By providing compliant independently verified services, Microsoft helps you streamline compliance for the infrastructure and applications you run in Azure. Microsoft shares detailed information including audit reports and compliance packages to provide insight into how specifically regulatory standards are met.

Azure is a flexible, open and secure public cloud built for business. Access a broad collection of integrated services that accommodate many languages and operating systems. Use world-class tools to accelerate a wide variety of app development and delivery capabilities.

Read more about Microsoft Azure